Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule


Welcoming New Students!

It's easy to apply to AIA, and we're here to help.

Applications for the student lottery opened on November 1st, 2023, and will close on March 8th, 2024. 

Lottery results will be announced on March 9th, 2024, and students from the waitlist will be given space as it becomes available. If there is no waitlist, seats will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Here are our paper application forms:

Elementary School Application and Middle Schoo Application


How to Apply

Click on the "Enroll Here" button. This will link you to our online application.

Create an account. This should take less than 10 minutes. You will receive an email confirmation once your account is set up.

Complete the guided step-by-step online application. You can save an application and then return later to complete it. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Don't worry; we'll send you reminders.

The enrollment team reviews applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. An application is only considered complete once all student records have been received. Acceptance is subject to program capacity, and when there are more applications than seats available, a lottery will be run to select and place students.

How to Apply

Click on the "Enroll Here" button. This will link you to our online application.

Create an account. This should take less than 10 minutes. You will receive an email confirmation once your account is set up.

Complete the guided step-by-step online application. You can save an application and then return later to complete it. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Don't worry, we'll send you reminders.

The enrollment team reviews applications on a first-come, first-served basis. An application is only considered complete once all student records have been received. When there are more applications than seats available, a lottery will be held to select and place students.

What you'll need

After your student is accepted to AIA, you'll need to complete registration. In addition to providing our team with a little more information about your student, a few documents will need to be provided before the first day of school. In order to complete registration we will need the following.

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Student's Birth Certificate

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Proof of

(current utility bill)

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Proof of

(driver’s license or court documentation)

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Immunization Record 

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Student's Birth Certificate

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Proof of

(current utility bill)

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Proof of

(driver’s license or court documentation)

Arts In Action Community Charter Schools, Enrollment, Application, Schedule

Immunization Record 

Important Dates

Information Sessions

1. Saturday, January 11th, 2025

2. Saturday, February 8th, 2025

3. Saturday, March 1st, 2025

Elementary [TK-5th]: 9:00 a.m.

Middle School [6th-8th]: 10:30 a.m.

Open Application Period

November 1st, 2024 to March 7th, 2025.

Lottery results will be announced on

March 08th, 2025.

Information Sessions

1. Saturday, January 14th, 2023

2. Saturday, February 11th, 2023

3. Saturday, March 4th, 2023

Elementary [TK-5th]: 9:00 a.m.

Middle School [6th-8th]: 10:30 a.m.

Open Application Period

November 11th, 2022 to March 10th, 2023.

Lottery results will be announced on

March 11th, 2023.

and Re-registration

Once your application is accepted, you must complete a short registration form. Currently, enrolled students must re-register.

You can call (213) 817-0208 or Mr. Jesus Mascorro at (213) 392-0093 to schedule an appointment to complete your registration.


Once your application is accepted, you must complete a short registration form.

You can call (213) 817-0208 or Mr. Jesus Mascorro at (213) 392-0093 to schedule an appointment to complete your registration.

Enrollment FAQs

  • How do I apply to Arts in Action?

    The application process is quick and easy. Begin by creating an account. Then, complete the step-by-step application. Submit the required student information online or by mail. You will be notified as to whether your application has been accepted.

  • Does my child get a preference if their sibling attends the school?

    Yes. Arts in Action prioritizes applications from families with a sibling in attendance. 

  • How do I know if my child qualifies to apply and attend Arts in Action?

    Arts in Action is a free public charter school open to all eligible candidates, subject to space and staff availability. No applicant shall, based on income level, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, or disability, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination from the school.

  • How long does it take for application review and approval?

    Once your application is completed, and all required student documents have been submitted, the enrollment team reviews applications for accuracy and completeness. You will be notified of acceptance or waitlisting within 15 days of the close of applications.

  • I have additional questions about enrolling. Who can I contact?

    You can contact Jesus Mascorro at (213) 392-0093. Email address:

  • Can I enroll my child after the lottery is held?

    Yes. Enrollment continues after the open enrollment lottery period through the start of the school year.  If open seats remain, AIA will continue to accept applications until all seats are filled.

  • How do enrollment lotteries work?

    If more student applications are submitted than the number of spaces available, the school will conduct a random public lottery. We will mail, call or email each family to confirm their child's acceptance until all available seats are filled. It is possible to be placed on the waitlist and then called from it later in the year.

  • Is there a dress code at Arts in Action?

    Yes, there is a dress code. You can click here to see School Uniform Information and Ordering. 



Interested in enrollment at Arts in Action, but not ready to apply? Please send us a note and let us know what you need. We're here to help.

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